A comparable scenario to men keeping women out of tech would be women keeping men from caring for their children, which admittedly does happen and women need to stop that. When men do step up and take care of their kids, too many women are too quick to criticize the ways in which men choose to care for their kids. But that's not what you're discussing. You're discussing the fact that men are being poked fun at for simply not stepping up to care for their kids at all, or doing the absolute bare minimum. This happens because we've all been conditioned to expect that women will take care of children, and men know if they don't bother to help, a woman will eventually step in to do the work. If more men would voluntarily step up and do the work of childcare, the poking fun articles at men would stop. Meanwhile, women are criticized for our mothering skills all the time--she works too much, she doesn't work enough, she doesn't spend enough time with her kids, she gives them crap to eat, etc.--but that doesn't stop us from taking care of kids. Single moms are called "bad mothers," "whores," and "mooching off the system" if they need government assistance to help pay the bills, but none of that criticism stops them from caring for their kids.