Ash—you were raised by narcissists. That’s the reason for your addiction and it’s the reason your boyfriend is the way he is, which is not nearly supportive enough of you and his son. I was also raised by narcissists. The best thing you can do is get away, the second you are able. You deserve better. Your son deserves better. I didn’t cut off contact with my mom until I was 45, and my dad at 49. I’m finally HAPPY. I finally feel free and they can’t make my daughter’s life hell the way they did mine. I still struggle with shame and self esteem issues. Please don’t marry your boyfriend. Legally he’ll have rights to see his son, but he doesn’t treat you well. I’m only saying this because I wish someone had told me years ago that I deserved better. You are clearly intelligent. Please put yourself first. You’re being way kinder to your boyfriend than he is to you and he’s taking advantage of your labor in taking care of his son.