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Drag Queens Aren’t About Sex
But conservatives can’t, or won’t, understand that
You want to know how it is the American people have been cursed with freshman congressperson Marjorie Taylor Green? Because Marjorie attended the drag queen story hour at her local library and thought it was “insane” that a drag queen — whom she called “an abomination” would dare read books to children. She called various community leaders to complain, but “Nobody listened to me,” she says. Apparently this irrational fear of drag queens is what inspired her to run for Congress, and that’s how we ended up with a full-on Q-anon conspiracy-believing bigot attempting to force her un-constitutional views onto our public policy.
Ask conservatives what their objections are to drag queen story hours in public libraries and invariably their answer is some iteration of a paranoid delusion that drag queens are somehow “sexual” or “perverted” and that a biological man dressed as a woman who reads to kids is somehow “corrupting” or “grooming” kids toward some sort of future, sick sexual deviation.
This is not only ridiculous, but it really makes you wonder what sort of sick, perverted world these conservatives are trying to push onto everyone else’s kids.
As someone who has seen a more than a few drag shows, and shared more than a few public…