Except conservatives are passing laws without exceptions. Which means women will die or families will be forced to carry pregnancies with fatal deformities to term and then give birth to a baby that will die in their arms which is cruel for those who don’t want to go through that. Little girls who have been raped are going to be forced to go through pregnancy and childbirth which is abusive and disgusting.
Sigh. Of course you’re going to parse out and nitpick this issue. There are a few women who aren’t able to get their “elective” abortion until 22-24 weeks in the few states that’s legal. It’s still long before brain development in the fetus. Most of those women would be thrilled to have had their abortion earlier, but conservatives keep passing laws to make it more and more difficult to obtain.
Colorado now gives out free IUDs to teenagers who want them. Abortions dropped by 50% and the state has saved millions on welfare. Conservatives tried to stop the program but the public demanded it be reinstated because it’s a win for everyone.
If conservatives really gave a crap about abortion, they would be voting for affordable healthcare, comprehensive sex ed in schools, free birth control and doctor visits for the poor and paid maternity leave for women. Cost is the #1 factor for people seeking abortion.