Feminism is equality. Period. Women want the same respect, pay and bodily autonomy men take for granted.
Equal pay for equal work. More respect and pay for "women's work" like teaching & nursing, which are difficult and dangerous, underappreciated and underpaid. Full control over our bodies, which includes easy access to abortion care when we need it, and people of all genders making sure they have full consent for sexual contact.
"If a woman wants her man to provide for their family, and be her emotional rock, does this mean she is anti-feminist?"
Absolutely not. Every family has the right to organize in whatever way works the best for them. If it's the "traditional" model, that's fine. If it means dad staying home with the kids while the wife runs a multimillion dollar company, that's fine too. If it's a house run by two dads or two moms, bully for them. People should be able to live their lives without other people sticking their noses in and trying to impose gender roles on others.
"Is it a place to shout down men with bloodthirsty rage? Is it a desire to see men capitulate and lie in waste in the gutter?"
So many men bring this up. Does this really happen? Has it ever happened? Are you seriously afraid of this? Where does this fear come from? The number of women who are truly man-hating extremists is so few as to be laughable.