First off, there are PLENTY of other examples. Several hundred little girls are impregnated every single year in this country. It's not a secret. It's just that no one wants to talk about it. Abortion clinics are required by the government to keep careful stats on their patients and the number of child rapes and pregnancies that take place in this country every year is disgusting. But this country does almost nothing to prosecute rape.
Every single girl and woman across this country has the RIGHT to control her own body. It is DISGUSTING to allow states to treat women and girls like second class citizens and incubators. Absolutely vile.
The mother took her to Indiana because the abortion bans are so poorly written doctors and lawyers have no idea what's legal and what's not.
Forced birthers are ignorant and cruel and refuse to face facts and the truth. In fact, it's often the institutions that are anti-abortion that harbor pedophiles who prey on little girls, like the evangelical and Catholic churches. How vile for them to impregnate little girls and then claim it's a sin if they abort.
Disgusting and vile.