I Don’t Care About Your Anti-Abortion Beliefs

The only person who gets to decide if they stay pregnant is the pregnant person

Amber Fraley


Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

I understand your beliefs about abortion are sincere. I understand you find abortion distasteful. Maybe you find it immoral or disgusting. Perhaps you even think it’s murder.

Respectfully, I don’t care.

You know what I find even more immoral and disgusting? Forced birth. In fact, for me, and many people I know, there’s no comparison between abortion and forced birth. Abortion is a right. Forced birth is a gross violation of the rights of an actual, living, breathing, human being who exists in the world.

Some forced birthers try to insist a fertilized egg is a person, deserving not only of equal rights, but rights above and beyond all the rest of us, which is absurd. You’ll never convince me a fertilized egg is a person because that is nonsense, and you know it. But let’s say for the sake of silly argument a fertilized egg is a person.

Guess what? No other person has the right to someone else’s body, organs or blood. Not without express permission. You can try to insist sex is “permission” for pregnancy, but that’s ridiculous. No one expects to become a parent every time they have sex. No one.



Amber Fraley

Writing about abortion rights, mental illness, trauma, narcissistic abuse & survival, politics. Journalist, novelist, wife, mom, Kansan, repro rights activist.