If people want abortion to stay legal AND they want a snowball's chace in hell for single payer health insurance, they'll vote Democrat. Republicans are anti-health, anti- affordable healthcare, anti-birth control, anti-social safety nets of all kinds, even for children and pregnant women. Do Democrats suck? Yes. But Republicans don't govern at all. The truth is we are stuck in a two-party system. If you have a scintila of respect for the women in your life you'll vote Democrat.
The abortion laws as they are written now are plenty restrictive. Abortion doctors turn away patients if they think anyone is being cooerced or if the pregnancy is too far along. Forcing people to save up the money to travel long distances and pay for hotel rooms because of 3-day waiting periods only pushes abortions later. Conservative policies don't reduce abortion numbers and they push legal abortions LATER.
Please look up the basic facts on abortion in this country. Your profile says you're a scientist. There are effective ways to reduce abortion numbers that don't involve taking away constitutional rights.
Your daughter deserves more rights than a brainless embryo.
Why are you against late term abortions? Why in the world would you be against someone aborting their severely deformed fetus or aborting because pre-elcampsia is going to kill them? Why?