It's not the woman's choice in this case. TWO doctors would also have to sign off on that. It's not like you can just pay to have your baby killed after a certain number of weeks. That's not how it works. TWO doctors have to agree the abortion is for a good reason. If not, they won't do the abortion because they'll go to PRISON. Even in a state with "no restrictions." And anyway, no woman would wait until TWO DAYS before birth to have an abortion. That's RIDICULOUS.
"According to the CDC, 91 percent of all abortions are performed in the first trimester and 98.7 percent of abortions are performed during the first 20 weeks. Using state data, it’s possible to roughly estimate the percentage of abortions performed in weeks 21-30. Above that, no records are kept, but the numbers are so tiny that they register as 0.00 percent."