Just because a woman friend doesn’t want a romantic relationship doesn’t mean she “cares less” about you than you do her. I’m sure you don’t make the same kinds of demands of your male friends.
You’re not “worthless” because you’re not with someone else. I’m saying that as a 50 year old who wasted a lot of years hating myself.
Also, you could meet a woman, have a kid and find yourself trapped in a nightmare and literally tied to someone else legally and financially for years. I wish we’d stop promoting this idea that we must be paired off to be happy.
You’re a decent looking dude who needs to stop hating on himself and accept that you’re a complete person even if you’re not with someone else. Enjoy your life.
I love my husband and daughter, but I also had to sacrifice a lot for this life, and now I can see how a single life would have been just as satisfying, if not more so.
Again, good luck, and please stop hating yourself and thinking the grass is greener for couples because that is often just not true.