Our Dog is Kind of An Asshole

But I love him anyway

Amber Fraley
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Fuckery
5 min readApr 1, 2024


This was the day Sodapop found a small paint roller cover on our walk. He didn’t want to drop it, I’m convinced, because he thought it looked and felt like a dog toy. I had to trade him for it with a treat, because food always wins in Sodapop’s world.

This dog. Sodapop is the sixth dog I’ve owned in my life, and while no two dogs have the same personality, this one is somehow extra different from the others.

For one thing, I thought all dogs were motivated by food in about the same way, with similar enthusiasm. Nope. There are levels. Our dogs have always sat and eyed us as we ate, hoping for a…



Amber Fraley
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Fuckery

Writing about abortion rights, mental illness, trauma, narcissistic abuse & survival, politics. Journalist, novelist, wife, mom, Kansan, repro rights activist.