Statistically, one of your daughters may very well have already been raped. You’re lucky they’re still trying to talk with you about their very real fears and frustrations and you responded with “Not all men.” (I read a couple of your pieces.) If you keep dismissing them, they’ll probably shut down and stop talking to you.
I’ll say it again—making women & girls the “gatekeepers” of sex implies they cannot be raped. It implies than any unwanted pregnancy or pregnancy out of wedlock is HER fault because she “opened her legs”. It absolves men for any social responsibilities for pregnancy or rape. It makes your daughters less safe.
“New scorecards show under 1% of reported rapes lead to conviction – criminologist explains why England’s justice system continues to fail”,New%20scorecards%20show%20under%201%25%20of%20reported%20rapes%20lead%20to,justice%20system%20continues%20to%20fail&text=In%20England%20and%20Wales%2C%20more,not%20end%20in%20a%20conviction.