The Disastrous Fallout of the Overturning of Roe V Wade

From no exemptions for rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother, to women forced to travel hundreds of miles for lifesaving care, and now a mass exodus of doctors from states with abortion bans, the “prolife” reality is anything but.

Amber Fraley
4 min readMar 31, 2023


Photo by Mustafa Omar on Unsplash

The fallout from the repeal of Roe V Wade is playing out exactly as healthcare professionals and prochoice organizations predicted. First the news was about underage rape victims being forced to leave their own states for abortion treatment:

Then came the barrage of news stories about women fleeing states with abortion bans in order to receive the lifesaving care they require:



Amber Fraley

Writing about abortion rights, mental illness, trauma, narcissistic abuse & survival, politics. Journalist, novelist, wife, mom, Kansan, repro rights activist.